Exporting game refers to the ability of Game Maker of creating a program able to run and execute under a specific hardware and software, while publishing is the widespread availability of the game to be acquired by the general public. Traditionally both activities have been carried out by totally different companies. But here game Maker deals with both problems, easing the path for the developer to get his work known to players.
Game Maker major feature is the ability to export to many different gaming platforms without changing anything from the game being developed.
The targets (platforms or systems for which game developer can create a game) include Linux (Ubuntu), Mac OS X, Android, iOS, fireTV, Android TV, Windows desktop, Microsoft UWP, HTML5, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Each one of these targets require specific licenses. Game Maker can generate packages that could be installed in any of the above systems. But for the game to get to players, there is still a long stretch after this. The game needs to be published, and delivered all around, just like books
In this digital era, where everything is networked, publishing game has undergone a revolution. Games are switching from physical format to digital downloadable contents. Major publishers now centralize the publishing of this digital games. The path to publish a game is shortened for developers. Games can be available to players just as their development is completed. Game developers only need a subscription to the publishing platform
Game Maker can publish games to Steam Platform. With steam games can make use of some services provided by the Steam platform, like Leaderboards, paid Downloadable Content, cloud storage, etc.
Game Maker offers different Licenses based on the target platforms and also on the subscription or integration with different publishing platforms.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018