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Table of Contents
1.2 How to select the type of the game that suits your needs
1.2.4 Should the game be for teaching or testing?

When defining learning goals and objectives you should also think what is the purpose of the future game upon which the design will depend.

Teaching/learning purpose - with such game students will learn or develop new skills while playing, and the gameplay will build students’ knowledge. However, such game will not have capacity to evaluate player performance.

Testing/assessment purpose - testing games are games where the learner already needs to know the information to be successful. The focus of the game is not to recall knowledge and apply it to achieve the goal of the game. This game will not give new information for students. 

Both teaching and testing purpose - this game would have two sides, some part of task in the game will build player knowledge then the other part will require student to recall new information and apply.

Depending on your game purpose you will need to design the assessment strategy and logic for the game as well as the learning activities.


Online Resource

Video providing an example of how games can teach players

Video providing an example of applying game for teaching

Video providing further information  on how to assess students learning with games

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018