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A number of multiplier events were organised in order to present the V4T project results to potential stakeholders.

Multiplier Event in Italy - A theoretical and practical tool for a new school available to future teachers

Date: 29 Oct 2019
Location: Milano, Italy

The italian multiplier event of the V4T project took place at the Academy of Brera, hosted in the Aula Magna of the Academy, in the context of the Course of Pedagogy and Didactics of Art by Prof. Antonio Cioffi, who presented the project together with Prof. Roberto Carraro, teacher of Multimedia Languages in the two-year course of Didactics of Multimedia of the Academy itself. The audience, of about one hundred participants, consisted mainly of teachers and future teachers particularly interested in the development of innovative teaching methods in the School. The programme also included the intervention of former students of the Academy who are currently working - artistic or professional - as video game developers. The V4T project was presented in its phases and in relation to the results obtained included in Outputs 1, 2 and 3. The event aroused great interest, particularly in relation to the presentation of the Manual for teachers. A demonstration-workshop on the use of virtual and augmented reality devices concluded the meeting, allowing participants to experience these innovative technologies. The event addressed, starting from the presentation of the three intellectual Outputs, the following themes: - A general presentation of the project framed in the wider theme of the current phase of the digital revolution, in particular with respect to the ongoing transformation of the classical paradigms of knowledge transmission, in schools but also in high schools. - Description of the different development phases of the project, in relation to the results obtained evaluated in the practical teaching perspective. - Discussion on the actual usability of digital technologies and Gamification procedures in relation to the artistic subjects taught in Italy in secondary school. - Role of artistic disciplines - both theoretical (art history) and practical (production of images, both analogical and digital) in the transition to new educational models - The video game: simple language or new system of representation? - A professional experience of video game production in a global marketplace between artistic expression and entrepreneurial needs - How the world of work changes: new professions and digital technologies - Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality as a teaching aid for tomorrow school
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V4T Multiplier Event - National Conference in Greece

Date: 22 Oct 2019
Location: Patras, Greece

The Multiplier Event for the dissemination of the Intellectual Outputs of the project V4T-Videogames for Teachers, took place on October 22, in Patra, Greece. The event was very successful attracting a large number of educators, future teachers, students, policy makers, field researchers and public. The event opened by Professor Achilles Kameas, Head of DAISSy Group and Scientific Coordinator of the project for Hellenic Open University. Mr. Kameas gave a greeting speech and presented the research activities of DAISSy Group. The objectives and the Intellectual Outputs of V4T project were then presented by Mrs Vicky Maratou, researcher with the DAISSy Group of the Hellenic Open University. The event continued with a presentation by Vassilios Karavasilis, Game Developer, Managing Director of eNVy softworks. Mr. Karavasilis presented the different technological approaches that are followed depending on the different forms of the modern educational game, starting from the physical world to virtual reality and the education of children up to vocational training. Mr. Rizos Chaliambalias, Computer Science teacher in secondary education and researcher with the DAISSy Group, presented the AppInventor game development environment explaining how teachers can implement simple games with their students. An interactive presentation of a simple Augmented Reality scenario implemented with Scratch, as well as ideas and suggestions for other applications and scenarios that could be implemented during an IT course, were presented by Mr. Nikos Giannakopoulos, Computer Science teacher in secondary education. Finally, the event ended with two very interesting presentations by the students of the Experimental High School of the University of Patras who, with the support and empowerment of their teacher, Mrs. Ioanna Chardaloupa, German Language teacher, explained how they created game-like educational questions on German, using the Metaverse Augmented Reality application. They also shared their experiences of participating in European Erasmus+ and eTwinning projects where they taught the Metaverse Augmented Reality application to the participating teachers and students.
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Multiplier Event in Spain - Final Conference of the V4T Project

Date: 4 Oct 2019
Location: Valencia, Spain

The University of Valencia organised the Final Conference of the V4T – Videogames 4 Teachers project on the 4th of October 2019 in the Aula Magna of the Facultat de Filosofia i Ciences de l’Educació . The Multiplier Event gave the opportunity to the participants, including University professors, researchers and students as future educators to acquire an in depth knowledge about the results achieved by the V4T project and in particular about the 3 Intellectual Outputs produced and made available on the V4T Portal The Event was also an important occasion for carrying out a common reflection of the future use of videogames and apps, and more in general interactive and technological virtual environments in Education. The Event saw the contribution of different experts in the field who addressed issues such as Internet Gaming Disorders: roles and responsibilities of school, Interactive environments for involvement and motivation for learning and of course the presentation of the Portal and Intellectual Outputs with a specidif reference to the Manual produced within the project and Published by the important publisher company Mc Graw Hill.
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Multiplier Event in Lithuania - Videogames for Education

Date: 1 Oct 2019
Location: Kaunas - Lithuania

On the 1st of October at KTU Santaka Valley over half a hundred educators and educational enthusiasts from different organizations participated in the event organized under Erasmus+ Strategical partnerships project Videogames for Teachers. Project’s intelelctual outputs, such as (i) analysis of VideoGames and Apps for Education, (ii) Manual for the use of Videogames and Apps in Education; (iii) E-learning Package on Videogames and Apps for Education, were presented and discussed the values of educational games. Participants heard interesting presentations focused on the benefits of usage of video games in education, participants also had the opportunity to discuss with their peers about the growing trends in educational games. During the event Keynote speakers, who came from Universities, Schools and IT companies, introduced practices and interactive tools which were suggested for teachers to be used in classroom during the lessons and we gave them the opportunity to share their insights on the benefits of gaming and mobile apps for education, and we presented how such games could make the educational process attractive.
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V4T Multiplier Event - National Conference in Austria

Date: 12 Sep 2019
Location: Graz, Austria

Each year FH JOANNEUM GmbH organizes an E-Learning conference with many presentations, workshops and posters. Erika Pernold and Irmgard Schinnerl-Beikircher presented the project at a poster stand focusing on V4T project during the whole conference. This year a big part on the afternoon was reserved for the V4T Multiplier Event (From 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm). The ME started with an introduction to the project. There were interviews with 3 experts in the field of learning games and a panel discussion was held with 6 experts in this field. After the coffee break two workshops were held: “Lernvideo-Produktion im eLab” (Gerd Krizek and Stefanie Lietze – FHTW) and “Videogames im Unterricht” (Erika Pernold and Irmgard Schinnerl-Beikircher – FH JOANNEUM Gmbh). More than 100 participants were involved in the Conference and Multiplier Event
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Games, toys, video games and education

Date: 3 Dec 2018
Location: Granada (Spain)

Conference given at the University of Granada (Spain) on games, toys, video games and education. On the occasion of the Christmas holidays, a conference was given at the auditorium of the Andalusian city, attended by a large audience, and the Videogames For Teachers project, as well as videogames and their pedagogical potential, were discussed.
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ALL DIGITAL Summit 2018 - "Digital Journey: from Inclusion to Empowerment”

Date: 18 Oct 2018
Location: Brussels, Belgium

The DAISSy research group of Hellenic Open University had a strong presence in the event, presenting its research work and the University to an audience of over 150 people coming from education and training organizations based in more than 20 European countries. DAISSy research group had a dedicated info desk in the event where visitors were informed about the expertise and research activities of DAISSy group as well as the ongoing and future research projects.
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V4T Project presented during ICIST Conference

Date: 5 Oct 2018
Location: Lithuania

The ICIST Conference is hosted by the biggest technical university in the Baltic States – Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania). ICIST 2018 aims to bring together researchers, engineers, developers and practitioners from academia and industry working in all major areas and interdisciplinary areas of Information Systems, Business Intelligence, Software Engineering and Information Technology Applications. During the Conference the V4T Project was presented providing also participants with the opportunity to try some games from the project database .
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1st National Scientix Conference on STEM Education

Date: 3 Sep 2018
Location: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Zografou premises, Athens, Greece

The project V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers was presented at the National Scientix Conference on STEM Education, held on 3 & 4 September 2018 at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) premises in Zografou ( The conference was attended by 857 delegates, while speeches and workshops attended altogether more than 500 primary and secondary education teachers, researchers and students. The workshop for V4T was organised by the DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University ( and took place on the 3rd of September, from 18.30 to 20.00. During the workshop, the objectives and intellectual outputs of the project were presented, as well as the online repository with videogames and mobile apps, which are either purely educational or can have an educational perspective. The repository includes detailed game/app evaluations, suggesting possible ways of use with students. The 14 educators who attended the workshop had the opportunity to connect to the online repository and comment on the reviews by submitting their own personal experience or opinion.
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V4T Testing Workshop with Teachers was organised by KTU

Date: 4 Jul 2018
Location: Lithuania

As part of the exploitation activities Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) has organised a workshop inviting educators from various educational institutions to test the Online Database of Videogames and Apps reviews. A Video on the event is available at:
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“Spoudase” Festival

Date: 19 May 2018
Location: Technopolis of the City of Athens

“Spoudase” Festival, the biggest festival for all levels of Education in Greece, was organized for the second consecutive year at the Technopolis of the City of Athens on 19 & 20 May 2018. The Festival hosted more than 300 participants from all levels of education, which communicated and presented programs, activities and exhibits related to Education, Training, Innovation, Science and Technology. It was a major event, during which visitors got acquainted with educational and scientific courses linking education, skills, training and lifelong learning with career, creativity, growth, entrepreneurship and, in general, production and labor market needs. More than 70 schools were hosted at the Festival and presented their activities in sciences and new technologies. In addition to the booths and stands, more than 200 workshops and seminars were held free of charge by leading scientists, institutions, universities and market executives. The DAISSy research group of Hellenic Open University ( participated in the “Spoudase” Festival with its own booth, promoting its research activities and projects. Four big screens were set up, each displaying videos about the DAISSy group, the various projects that the group participates in and their products. Project V4T was promoted within a specially created short video showcasing all DAISSy projects that was being constantly played on one of the screens. Booth visitors were informed by DAISSy personnel about the contents and objectives of V4T and were handed the project brochure. Thanks to its central location, the DAISSy booth attracted more than 500 visitors, all of whom expressed their interest in the project.
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V4T project presented during TACKLE: festival for combating multiple discrimination

Date: 4 May 2018
Location: Patras (EL)

Α one-day festival on combating discrimination against stereotypes and prejudices and promoting respect for diversity and human rights was organized by the DAISSy research group of HOU on Friday 4 May 2018 in the amphitheater of the new Archaeological Museum of Patras. The festival attracted about 60 participants from public and private organizations of the Region of Western Greece, including Education Directors, School teachers, NGO owners, VET managers, Cultural organization managers, Journalists, Researchers, Students and Volunteers. All of them received the V4T project brochure as part of their conference pack; many of them expressed strong interest in the project and were given the project contact points for further information.
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Promotion of V4T during the PatrasIQ event

Date: 27 Apr 2018
Location: Patras

PatrasIQ is a three-day event organized annually by the three Higher Education Institutions of the Region of Western Greece (among them the Hellenic Open University - HOU) . This year, the event took place between April 27 and 29 in Patras. The HOU - DAISSy personnel explained to visitors the objectives of the V4T project and the contents of the planned interventions. All visitors received the V4T brochure and were given the project contact points for further information.
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V4T project presented during "Digital Girls: Rock it on" Conference

Date: 24 Apr 2018
Location: Lithuania

V4T project was presented during "Digital Girls: Rock it on" event for female students of last years in school regarding to encourage to choose IT related studies and change the perception that IT studies is for males. There were gathered successful girls and women who work in IT sector, they shared their career path and challenges.
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V4T project presented in th Erasmus+ KA1 presentation event organised in Algemesi

Date: 12 Apr 2018
Location: Spain

During the dissemination conference of the ka1 teachers mobility helded on Teatro de Algemesí and organized by Xano Channel, M. Sonsoles Jimenez presented the V4T project objectives, results, activities and website Students and teachers were really interested on it
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V4T Project presented in Erasmus+ Dissemination Event

Date: 15 Jan 2018
Location: Paris, France

During the conference organized by Spanish and French national agencies in Paris to present Erasmus+ projects, the V4T project objectives, activities and results were presented. The event involved Association, Experts, Public Bodies, Researchers, Schools, Teachers, Training Agencies, Universities.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018