The information and pictures related to the Multiplier Event organised by Hellenic Open University to present the V4T intellectual Outputs were published on their Portal
The information and pictures related to the Multiplier Event organised by Hellenic Open University to present the V4T intellectual Outputs were published on their Portal
The information and pictures related to the Multiplier Event organised by Hellenic Open University to present the V4T intellectual Outputs were published on the Daissy Website
The invitation to make use of the V4T intellectual outputs has been published on the Facebook page of the research group DAISSy.
Information about the V4T intellectual Outputs and an invitation to make full use of them has been published on the Daissy website.
Post on DAISSy facebook page about the dissemination of projects, including V4T, during the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2018. The project V4T was described by the researchers of DAISSy to the people that visited the info desk during the event. Project leaflets were distributed to all visitors.
The description and results of the V4T workshop at the 1st National Scientix Conference on STEM Education have been announced on the web site of Hellenic Open University.
Details about V4T project and the workshop at the 1st National Scientix Conference on STEM Education have been announced on the LinkedIn and shared on Facebook and Twitter.
The workshop for V4T that was organised at the 1st National Scientix Conference on STEM Education has been announced on the web site of DAISSy Research Group
Since the initiation of the project, information and details, such as project description, outcomes and partnership, have been announced on the web site of DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University.
During a Radio debate about Erasmus+ and the related opportunities Xano Channel presented the V4T project context, objectives, activities and results.
A Post on Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Informatics Faculty Facebook page announced the V4T project, describing what will be done and what results of the project are planned to be achieved.
The Video of the testing event organised by KTU was published on KTU IF Studentų gyvenimas Youtube Channel.
Event and facebook post on V4T project was posted on Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Informatics Faculty Facebook account.
Photos from the V4T project participation to the international ICIST Conference were posted in the event Facebook Page.
The announcement of the V4T being approved and financed was published on the official Portal of the University of Valencia that reaches a number of more then 2000 among professors, lecturers, researchers and students
Pixel website provides information about the V4T project together with a direct link to the V4T Portal. The exchange link allows the many users of Pixel’s website to learn about the V4T project and to be updated about its achievements and outputs.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018