The Kick-off meeting took place at Pixel Site in Florence on 16 – 17 November 2017. Andrés Payà Rico and Andrea Peraldo presented, to the representatives of the institutions involved in the Consortium, the V4T project aims and the activities to be carried out. The Kick Off meeting was also an opportunity for the project partner institutions to get to know each other and to discuss and share the details related to the shared working methods. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the future project's implementation, the financial rules and the templates and deadlines to be used as a reference to create the Intellectual Output Contents. Specific discussions were carried out on how the Database of Videogames and Apps to be used in educational contexts and on the Manual for the use of Videogames in education. A Dissemination and Exploitation strategies were presented, discussed upon and agreed.
Related document:The second meeting of the V4T project steering committee took place in Graz (AT) on 12 – 13 April 2018. The Second meeting was an opportunity for the project partners to go through and share the results produced so far. Andrés Paya and Andrea Peraldo conducted the meeting and all partners contributed with the presentation of the activities carried out. The state of art of the Repository of Videogames and Apps reviews was analysed and discussed and a set of improvements were agreed upon. The project experts also further discussed the Manual structure and contents. The meeting was also an opportunity for the partners to make a detailed planning of the project future activities.
Related document:The third meeting of the V4T project steering committee took place in Patras (El), 7 and 8 February 2019. The third meeting was an opportunity for the project partners to go through and share the results produced so far. Andrés Paya and Andrea Peraldo conducted the meeting and all partners contributed with the presentation of the activities carried out. The project experts shared and discussed the contents of the Manual for the use of Videogames in Education. The meeting was also an opportunity for the partners to make a detailed planning of the creation of the contents of the E-Learning Package on programming languages and authoring tools in order to make them autonomous in developing educational videogames and apps for mobile learning.
Related document:The fourth meeting of the European project entitled V4T – Videogames for Teachers held was at University of Valencia in Valencia (Spain) on the 3 and 4 of October 2019. Andrés Paya and Andrea Peraldo conducted the meeting and all partners contributed with the presentation of the activities carried out. During the fourth meeting, project partners analyzed how to guarantee further accessibility of the deliverables produced: the repository of videogames and apps for didactical purposes, the manual “Videogames For Teachers: From Research To Action” and the e-learning based training package providing future teachers with the basic knowledge of programming and developing educational videogames and apps for mobile learning. During the second day the project partners attended the Final Conference of the Project, that was an important opportunity to disseminate the Intellectual Outputs produced and to carry a further reflection on the theme of the use of Videogames and Apps in educational contexts.
Related document:This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018