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The e-learning based training package providing future teachers with the basic knowledge of programming languages and authoring tools in order to make them autonomous in developing educational videogames and apps for mobile learning.

Videogames For Teachers: E-Learning course

The contents of the e-learning based training package, structured in 3 modules, make full use of ICT and Media, providing teachers with e-texts explaining the main aspects of the different subjects and references to existing manuals, demos, guidelines and wizards that are available on-line.

Each module provides also practical activities, exemplary case studies and/or learning objects to put into practices the theoretical concepts and interactive test to allow teachers to self-assess the knowledge acquired.

Module 1 describes the first steps about creating games for educational purposes that it would not be just as informative tool but also interesting and engaging adventure. There will be found short descriptions of learning goals and objectives and where to start to create the educational game: considering the type of the game, technical issues for creating it, essential elements of the game and narrative design.

Here below the Module contents in the different National Languages:
English Austrian Spanish Greek Italian Lithuanian
Module 2 provides a practical oriented introduction to programming Videogames. The Module contents focus on a step by step Guide in the use of GameMaker and provide two practical examples for the creation of both a Shoot them all and a Platform Game.

Here below the Module contents in the different National Languages:
English Austrian Spanish Greek Italian Lithuanian
Module 3 starts with an overview on the technologies and tools available for mobile app programming and provides indicative examples that are, or could be, used with elementary school students. A detailed presentation of the App Inventor programming environment follows. The development process of two popular games in App Inventor is described. Finally, this Module presents the Metaverse Augmented Reality web-platform that allows teachers and students to easily create their own Augmented Reality interactive applications

Here below the Module contents in the different National Languages:
English Austrian Spanish Greek Italian Lithuanian

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018