Name of the person involved in the event
Neringa Kelpšaitė
Date of the event
22 Nov 2018
Type of Dissemination event
Website gallery
Description of Dissemination Event
Website of international conference ICIST has gallery of annual event ( Photos with V4T presentation are in the gallery of ICIST 2018.
The ICIST Conference is hosted by the biggest technical university in the Baltic States – Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania). ICIST 2019 aims to bring together researchers, engineers, developers and practitioners from academia and industry working in all major areas and interdisciplinary areas of Information Systems, Business Intelligence, Software Engineering and Information Technology Applications.
Target group
Association, Experts, Public Bodies, Researchers, Teachers, Universities.
Number of people reached by event
Held in
online Lithuania (LT)
Outcomes, Results and Evaluation
Everyone who are interested in the international conference ICIST visits this this website ( and sees V4T brochures, roll-up with logo and V4T webpage.