Name of the person involved in the event
Gintarė Dzindzelėtaitė
Date of the event
6 Dec 2018
Type of Dissemination event
Conference or Fair
Description of Dissemination Event
Presentation was made during XIXth international conference “ALTA: Advance learning Technologies and Applications” in Kaunas, Lithuania. Presentation "Video games in Education: Analysis of Video games and Apps" was done in the frame of V4T project and case scenario from the practice (Sourcery for Kids Academy), project itself and outcomes was presented. In the centre of attention on this year conference was application of gamification principles in education process.
The article about the event with photos:
The recording of the presentations (Presentation of Gintarė Dzindzelėtaitė on 3:11:50), the link on Youtube:
Target group
Experts, Researchers, Schools, Students, Teachers, Universities.
Number of people reached by event
Held in
Kaunas Lithuania (LT)
Outcomes, Results and Evaluation
Spread information about the project, it's topic and outcomes.