Name of the person involved in the event
Erika Pernold, Irmgard Schinnerl-Beikircher, Jutta Pauschenwein
Date of the event
22 Nov 2017
Type of Dissemination event
National Meeting
Description of Dissemination Event
The "Didaktik Tag" is held every year. Teachers and both students are encouraged to present their experiences with teaching and learning. Teacher of the year award will be awarded during the event.
The role of the ZML in the project were introduced during the event.
Target group
Researchers, Students, Teachers.
Number of people reached by event
Held in
Graz Austria (AT)
Outcomes, Results and Evaluation
Inspiring talks about videogames with both students and teachers. We introduced our role in the project and stated we are contact persons if people were interested.