Name of the person involved in the event
Achilles Kameas,Vicky Maratou
Date of the event
3 Sep 2018
Type of Dissemination event
Conference or Fair
Description of Dissemination Event
The project V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers was presented at the National Scientix Conference on STEM Education, held on 3 & 4 September 2018 at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) premises in Zografou ( The conference was attended by 857 delegates, while speeches and workshops attended altogether more than 500 primary and secondary education teachers, researchers and students.
The workshop for V4T was organised by the DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University ( and took place on the 3rd of September, from 18.30 to 20.00. During the workshop, the objectives and intellectual outputs of the project were presented, as well as the online repository with videogames and mobile apps, which are either purely educational or can have an educational perspective. The repository includes detailed game/app evaluations, suggesting possible ways of use with students. The 14 educators out of 30 registered who attended the workshop had the opportunity to connect to the online repository and comment on the reviews by submitting their own personal experience or opinion.
Target group
Researchers, Teachers.
Number of people reached by event
Held in
Athens Greece (GR)
Outcomes, Results and Evaluation
The educators showed interest in the outcomes of the project and they will be in touch with the HOU team for further information and news.