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Module 1

Module 1:

Planning educational Videogames and APPs

Interactive Test

Table of Contents

You have to answer all the questions to get your score

Question n° 1/10
How learning goals differ from the learning objectives?

Goals are broad and hard to measure, objectives are specific and have defined success criteria
There are no differences they are pretty much the same thing
Objectives are broad and hard to measure, Goals are specific and have defined success criteria
Question n° 2/10
When planning the game what are the aspects you should take first into account to make it fit for the classroom?

Goals, graphics and rewards
Selection of the programming tool and involvement of students
Game development, usability and application costs
Question n° 3/10
Which are examples of environments that enable visual game development process eliminating the coding part

Windows and Linux
GameMaker, AppInventor, Scratch, Unity
C++, Java, Flash and PHP
Question n° 4/10
The game system consists of the following elements:

Objects, Attributes, Internal relationships and Environment
Planning, implementing and playing
Graphics, sprites and actions
Question n° 5/10
Possible purposes of an educational videogame/app are:

Teaching/learning purpose and/or Testing/assessment purpose
Learning assessment
Evaluate player performance
Question n° 6/10
Procedures are actions that player can perform to interact with the game, among these

Playing, winning and losing
Starting, Progression, Special and Resolving
Learning, assessing and follow up
Question n° 7/10
Among the Game elements the Outcome defines:

What in the game prevents a player from achieving their goal
The game system limitations that describe the end of a gameworld
What that happens at the end of the game where player is winning
Question n° 8/10
The Three-act structure describes the storyline where

Act 1 sets the story context, Act 2 is the story building time where the player is getting ready to achieve the goal, Act 3 the climax of the story where player is confronting the challenge and reaching the conclusion of the game
Act 1 are the Obstacles that are preventing player from completing the objective, Act 2 are the Opponents that may harm player and Dilemmas are the complex choices which consequences are important for the game outcome.
Act 1 is the Gameplay, Act 2 is the Narrative Goal, Act 3 is The Narrative Background
Question n° 9/10
The Narrative Background of a Game should include:

Story Context, Story Building and Story Climax
Story fragments, Complementary dialog and Emotionally significant assets
Question n° 10/10
What are possible examples of Conflict in games:

Environments, sprites and blocks
Heroes, foes and enemies
Obstacles, Opponents and Dilemmas
You have to answer all the questions to get your score

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018