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Table of Contents
3.4 Metaverse Augmented Reality
3.4.1 What is Metaverse

Metaverse is a free of cost and easy-to-learn web platform that allows teachers and students to create their own Augmented Reality (AR) interactive experiences without any need to code. The AR experiences are developed on the web in the Metaverse Studio and then viewed on the Metaverse Mobile App (iOS and Android).

What can teachers and students create with Metaverse? The possibilities are endless but here are some indicative examples:

  • AR treasure hunts,
  • AR games,
  • AR interactive stories,
  • AR interactive puzzles and quizzes,
  • AR virtual field trips
  • Media Walls

What is the benefit for students?

Creating interactive AR experiences can enhance students’ digital literacy and skills, creativity, and logical thinking. Additionally, students become more engaged in the learning procedure, apply their knowledge and start thinking and acting as researchers, depending on the subject their AR project is based on. Teachers can use Metaverse in any subject with students of any grade, promoting project-based learning, learning-by-doing as well as collaborative learning.

Online Resource

What Educators Have To Say About Metaverse - In this video educators that use Metaverse with their students, share their own experiences and their students’ responses and feedback.

Metaverse Preview - A quick preview of the Metaverse Studio and Metaverse Mobile App.

Live AR Portals - This video demonstrates AR portals that “teleport” the users to various places around the world. The-portals have been created with a 360o camera and Metaverse.

Joe Merrill's Lake Park Elementary Class - AR vocabulary game for elementary students, created using Metaverse.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018