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Table of Contents
1.3 Game elements
1.3.7 Game elements: conflict, boundaries and outcome

Conflict emerges through procedures and rules in the game that prevent a player from achieving their goal. Three types of conflicts are common in games:

  • Obstacles - physical or mental items that are preventing player from completing the objective.
  • Opponents - other player or system players that may harm player.
  • Dilemmas - complex choices which consequences are important for the game outcome.

Boundaries the game system limitations that describe the end of a gameworld, or the maximum or levels that could be reached. They also define the border between game and real life.

Outcome is something that happens at the end of the game where player is winning. The outcome is not precisely defined for the players and has to keep them intrigued to continue playing to find out what is waiting for them.

Online Resource

Further references on game elements are available within this article on Basic Introduction to Game Design

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018