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Table of Contents
1.4 Narrative design
1.4.4 Visual Game Design

One of the objectives of a video game course is to familiarize yourself with the graphic creation activities necessary to develop the visual elements of the playground, both the virtual world and the interface.

The development of a video game requires complex visual skills, to the point that most of the budget and team needed to produce them are focused on the visual component.

However, these skills are increasingly useful in the world of work, where simulation of virtual worlds and visual interfaces are increasingly common in emerging professions of the digital society.

Visual narrative.

In the development of the narrative structure of a video game, the visual components, which are essential in the video game story, cannot be neglected.

The representation of the landscape and the representation of the characters are an integral part of the story and have an immediate impact on the players.

It is therefore essential to integrate in the literary team a visual designer able to draw environments and characters.

This activity in a school can be followed by art teachers, who should be prepared for the basics of game design.

Playground creation. Each video game is based on the representation of a world or a portion of a world, which becomes a playground.

These are simplified worlds, which can be traced back to essential environments inhabited by interactive dynamic elements.

From the ping-pong field of Pong, to the hyper-realistic worlds of Assassin's Creed, video games use multiple representative modes, chosen to develop a certain type of game.

Production of 3d realistic playgrounds.

Historically, the most realistic, three-dimensional game modes are the most expensive and require the most specialized teams.

The new techniques of three-dimensional reproduction of the reality, such as 360-degree photo shooting or photogrammetry are reducing the production costs of hyper-realistic games, making it possible to create them even in schools.

Production of 2d minimal playground. It is certainly easier to develop simple playgrounds, based on two-dimensional worlds, maps, elevations or axonometries, inhabited by animated icons.

The most suitable tools for the creation of these worlds are two-dimensional graphics software, which can also easily create dynamic figures, for example in animated GIF format.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018