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How Players Learn to Learn While Playing?

Interactive Test

Chapter 3

You have to answer all the questions to get your score

Question n° 1/7
The two main components of "learning to learn" are:

Indoctrination and dependence
Autonomy and self-awareness of learning
Discipline and dexterity
Supervised learning and behaviorism
Question n° 2/7
Choose the true answer

Learning to learn is the competence aimed at dissociating the teacher-student dichotomy
Learning to learn is the competence aimed at the student being dependent on the teacher for learning
When the learning to learn competence is achieved, the student learns unconsciously
Question n° 3/7
Approximate start date of studies on videogames as educational tools:

Question n° 4/7
Choose the skills NOT being associated with "learning to learn"

Knowledge of the environment
Problem solving
Question n° 5/7
Choose attitudes or values NOT associated with "learning to learn"

Question n° 6/7
Choose the most correct answer. Strategies associated with Game-Based Learning are:

Video Game-Based Learning
Serious Games
Creating Video Games in the Classroom
All the previous answers are correct
Question n° 7/7
Choose the true statement:

Gamification and Game-based learning are the same
Gamification in education consists of using elements of game design to help in the learning processes
In most cases, using video games in the classroom results in the demotivation of students
During the 1990s, the study of the effects of video games on learning was abandoned
You have to answer all the questions to get your score

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018