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Videogames, Apps and Education in the Field of Pre-Primary and Primary Education

Interactive Test

Chapter 11

You have to answer all the questions to get your score

Question n° 1/10
For which activities children at the age of 6 to 10 are NOT using digital devices?

Playing Games
Connecting with strangers
Watching videos
Taking and editing photos
Question n° 2/10
ISCED 2011 does not provide…

A Standard classification of international data on education and education programmes (ISCED-P)
A classification of educational achievement
classification of fields of education (ISCED-F)
Question n° 3/10
ISCED 2011 now includes…

7 education levels
9 education levels
15 education levels
20 education levels
Question n° 4/10
ISCED level 0 programmes…. corresponds to

Early childhood education
Lower secondary education
Primary education
Question n° 5/10
ISCED level 0 programmes (Early childhood education) are designed…

to provide students with fundamental skills in reading, writing and mathematics
for learning at a basic level of complexity with little, if any, specialisation (false – this is intended by level 1 – primary education)
with a holistic approach to support children’s early cognitive, physical, social and emotional development
to establish a solid foundation for learning and understanding core areas of knowledge, personal and social development
Question n° 6/10
We could say that one of the following does not apply to ISCED level 1…

the teachers are typically trained in pedagogical approaches for core subjects
there is typically one teacher in charge of the class who organises the learning process and organises educational activities around units, projects or board learning areas
children should have opportunities for active play in order to exercise coodination and motor skills under supervision and through interaction with sthe staff.
Question n° 7/10
Which of these is an age rating system?

Question n° 8/10
Age rating systems…

Provide information if the content of the game is suitable for pre-school children
Provide information if the game is educationally valuable
Provide information if the content of the game is harmful for children under 7
Question n° 9/10
One of the following statements relate to the risks that children at pre-primary and primary age that are exposed to when using digital devices

There are no risks at all
There are risks related to unsuitable content
There are risks related to breaches of privacy
There are risks related to In-Game-Purchases
Question n° 10/10
What is an important recommendation that applies event more when younger children are using digital games?

Young children should be let alone when playing digital games
Rely on the age rating suitability and then it is not necessary that educators/parents further check the game contents
Do not apply time limits
The educators/parent should constantly monitor younger children when they are playing digital games
You have to answer all the questions to get your score

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018