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Assesment in Videogames and Educational Apps Based Learning in Tertiary Education

Interactive Test

Chapter 13

You have to answer all the questions to get your score

Question n° 1/5
What is a distinctive feature of competencies developed in higher education?

Competencies are specific and practical
Competencies are hard to develop as stand alone distinctive skills
Competencies are easy to measure with paper-pencil tests
Competencies are relevant in real life situations
Question n° 2/5
What are the two categories of games for higher education?

Simulation and experimentation games
Subject specific games and generic graduate competencies games
Puzzle games and strategy games
Mobile games and virtual reality games
Question n° 3/5
Which of the following teacher actions could not be replaced by computer game mechanics?

Teacher share learning expectations with students
Teacher collect quality evidence about student’s performance
Teacher help students to connect gameplay experience with broader learning goals
Teacher provide feedback about student’s learning and create structure for student to act on it
Question n° 4/5
What is Stealth assessment?

Assessment tests given to students without prior notice
Seamless learner performance evaluation through the gameplay
Secret teacher observation of students behaviour
Anonymous survey about how students like the course
Question n° 5/5
What is teacher role in higher education enhanced with computer games?

Game programmer
Learning evaluator
Project manager
Learning and assessment designer
You have to answer all the questions to get your score

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018