Partners' Institution
Hellenic Open University
Vicky Maratou
Use in Educational contexts
Degree of required tutoring
Autonomous use after teacher introduction/explanation
Subjects involved
Math, Natural Sciences, Chemistry, Physics
Biology, Culture, Paleontology
Special needs
Hearing impairment, Learning difficulties, Physical disability
Educational Potential
Lifeliqe is a learning platform using thousands of interactive 3D models, incorporating elements of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). It also includes an extensive library of lesson plans that cover the 3D models, deep-zoom images, videos and animations. The model interfaces can be set to English, Spanish, or both. Each model also includes a detailed introduction with encyclopedic facts allowing students to make their own notes on the model. Students can rotate each model in every direction and zoom in and out.
Virtual reality can also be used with Lifeliqe and there are both VR and mixed-reality (MR) apps: Lifelique VR Museum and Lifeliqe HoloLens, respectively.
Although Lifeliqe is available in both web browser and app versions, the iPad and Windows app versions allow for the most functionality, especially if teachers want to create their own content or use the AR features.
Lifeliqe is highly recommended especially for those who are visual, and even kinesthetic, learners. Since students can view each model from all angles and from various distances they can focus on the parts of the models that interest them or that are the most relevant to their lesson. Learning through the visualization of a detailed and high quality 3D model can enhance recall rate, deeper understanding, better verbal communication of the received knowledge.
Lifeliqe supports English and Spanish therefore students are given the chance to learn scientifically correct vocabulary in two languages. It can also be used by English language learners.
Learning Object / Suggested activities with students
Lifeliqe can be used as a core curriculum, or added into existing lessons and can be a valuable tool for project-based learning.
Teachers can use Lifeliqe in several ways. Lifeliqe offers hundreds of lesson plans which can cover all requirements of high school science classes. The provided lesson plans use five learning stages: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate, but they are only in English. Teachers can include the 3D models in their PowerPoint presentations as they teach a lesson to the class. They can also create and publish their own interactive ebooks, lesson plans, presentations, or show augmented reality pictures or videos to students.
Students can also explore any content that relates to their assignments. They can read the background information, interact with the 3D models and use the AR feature to take photos or videos of the models with themselves or the surroundings and include them in their assignments.
There are numerous videos on the Lifeliqe YouTube channel describing how to benefit from the app's features, as well as tutorials and classroom tips contained within the app itself.
Skills and competences
Xano Channel
Julio Vila Martínez