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This Section provides access to an Online database of:
• The best educational Videogames and mobile apps available on the market
• The most suitable Videogames and Apps that, even if not specifically designed for educational purpose, can be used as teaching or learning tools with students

Videogames and apps are categorized, analyzed and assessed in order to provide the teachers with all the necessary information and hints to make full use of the Videogames and Apps in teaching contexts.

Partners' Institution
Erika Pernold


Product type
Educational videogame
Name of the videogame/app
Name of the producer
LegaKids Stiftungs-GmbH
How to find it
For free
Main technical requirements
Windows, Ios
Other Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari
Native Virtual Reality Support
Target Audience
6-11 years
Augmented Reality
PEGI Clasification
not classified

Use in Educational contexts

Degree of required tutoring
Autonomous use after teacher introduction/explanation
Subjects involved
Special needs
Learning difficulties
Educational Potential
“Worträuber” is a game to find out about dyslexia or to address it at an early stage. It asks the players to find as much words as possible against the hands of time (5 minutes) and against Lurs the dragon who wants to steal words from you.

The main purpose on the game is to strengthen the competences of children to read and write by using a very simple base. No complicated rules are applying.

“Worträuber” tries to not to focus on weaknesses but to encourage children to practice words while playing. So the game can be used in therapeutical units to distract children from feeling bad having a weakness on reading and writing.
Learning Object / Suggested activities with students
In class, teachers explain different strategies how to play the game - e.g. go for vocals first. The colored areas in the games will help here.

Then the children should be split into groups of 3 at max. and play the game for around 20 minutes. While playing they should switch roles. One is using the computer, a second will guess on the letters and the third person should write down the found words or the if not guessed right the revealed word.

After playing the game all children should come together and tell the others about the words. A summary of the words should be written on the black- or whiteboard. From then on different approaches are possible - finding groups for the words. reviewing the occured syllables etc.

Skills and competences

Skills and competences acquired
Reading and writing competence will enhance during playing this game.
Putting together words into groups will enhance the linguistic skills of the children
Working on syllables will enhance the competence of its right usage
Soft skills
Creativity, Time management


Partners' Institution
Kaunas University of Technology
Author of the comments
Lentvaris Kindergarten "Šilas" - Renata Vladimirenka
This game helped for little kids to understand upper an lower case letters. Despite the fact that the game is in English, children were very involved. This activity encouraged to create didactic tool: ""Broke away letters" ("Pabėgusios raidės") and "Upper-lower case letter" ("Didžioji-mažoji raidė").

Children comment:
Gabrielė (6 years): "There were various of letters. In Lithuanian and not. It was hard because words were in English. But we with Domantas found the game interesting. Teacher made this game for us, so we played and guessed words."
Partners' Institution
Xano Channel
Author of the comments
José Ramón Migueles Hernandez
I find the game interesting. This is a classic hangman but very well decorated and appealing to kids. I think it really can help used sometimes with kids with problems like described in the analysis. Anything I've found online in Spanish is much uglier ( for example)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018