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This Section provides access to an Online database of:
• The best educational Videogames and mobile apps available on the market
• The most suitable Videogames and Apps that, even if not specifically designed for educational purpose, can be used as teaching or learning tools with students

Videogames and apps are categorized, analyzed and assessed in order to provide the teachers with all the necessary information and hints to make full use of the Videogames and Apps in teaching contexts.

Partners' Institution
Erika Pernold


Product type
Educational App
Name of the videogame/app
Lurs Abenteuer: Vater verzweifelt gesucht!
Name of the producer
How to find it
For free
Main technical requirements
Windows, Ios, Android
Native Virtual Reality Support
Adventure, Educational
Target Audience
6-11 years, 12-17 years
Augmented Reality
PEGI Clasification

Use in Educational contexts

Degree of required tutoring
Autonomous use after teacher introduction/explanation
Subjects involved
Math, Languages
Reading accuracy, reading comprehension in German language, Reading, Writing the German language
Special needs
Learning difficulties
Educational Potential
This is an adventure game in which the monster Lurs has kidnapped the father of Lega und Steni. Lurs is a monster which tries to distract children from reading and writing. The goal ist to free their father.

There are nine levels to go through: playground, Steni‘s room, the shop, mystery forest, witch cottage, knight’s castle, dungeon, Lurs‘ cave and Lurs‘ kitchen. The player has to collect coins and useful items. At the end the player has to bring specific ingredients because the father has to cook Lurs‘ favourite dishes. During the game the player (Steni and Lega) has to make some sport to get new energy for the search.

The riddles and situations are nicely designed and not too difficult. The player has to watch out for hints. Everything which can be seen could be important to advance in the game.

During the game the player also has to solve tasks dealing with the German language (Orthography,…). For each task there is a description what to do and information how many right solutions the player has found. The player can try as long as he/she has found all right solutions.

It is a playful way to deal with the German language (reading, writing) for students from the age of 8. There is no violence or inappropriate content in this game.

GIGA-Maus 2012
Learning Object / Suggested activities with students
The game could be played during lesson in groups of two. The teacher gives some instructions about the game and each group is playing one level during the lesson. The teacher can answer if there will be questions about the task. The students should also do the physical training if the avatar has to do it.

At the end of each lesson they could review what they have learned in this chapter.

Skills and competences

Skills and competences acquired
Students from the age of 8 can benefit from this game in advancing in the orthography, the reading accuracy and reading comprehension of German. They also train to deal with money and train mathematical tasks (addition, subtraction).

The assessment could be a review of each chapter within class.
Soft skills
Problem solving


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018