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This Section provides access to an Online database of:
• The best educational Videogames and mobile apps available on the market
• The most suitable Videogames and Apps that, even if not specifically designed for educational purpose, can be used as teaching or learning tools with students

Videogames and apps are categorized, analyzed and assessed in order to provide the teachers with all the necessary information and hints to make full use of the Videogames and Apps in teaching contexts.

Partners' Institution
Erika Pernold


Product type
Leisure videogame with educational potential
Name of the videogame/app
Name of the producer
Andrew James Darlington; Christine Jean Darlington
How to find it
For free
Direct link if available
Main technical requirements
Windows, Linux, Ios
Other Internet connection; up to date browser
Native Virtual Reality Support
Target Audience
12-17 years
Augmented Reality
PEGI Clasification
not classified

Use in Educational contexts

Degree of required tutoring
Autonomous use by students
Subjects involved
Languages, Arts and Music
Special needs
Hearing impairment, Physical disability
Educational Potential
Please outline:
- Clickcritters is an browser based game to adopt and collect "critters". The critters are little pictures - the adoptables. Players can get them over playing games, dailies for free, weeklies for free or purchasing them for bottlecaps. Bottlecaps are the currency on the site. There are 6 types of bottlecaps which are to earn on different ways (red, yellow, green, blue, silver and black caps). Black caps can be purchased for real money. However it is possible to trade adoptables with other players for black bottlecaps, so players can get black caps as well without spending real money. From time to time there are special events on the site, where players can get "event adoptables". Most of the events are structured in a way that it is necessary to work together with other players.

- The site is frequented by players all over the world from different time zones and some adoptables are hatching from eggs into different species depending on the time they are evolving. This is one of the points where it comes in handy to work together with other players to complete the own collection.

Learning Object / Suggested activities with students
As the site forms a complex universe with many different areas to collect critters it is useful to develop a strategy on what to focus. Some goals will be achievable alone, while others are only possible by teaming up with others.

It is possible to form different cases for learning using Clickcritters. One is getting the most different types of critters in a fixed amount of time. The site is very active and lives from regular visits, it is sometimes hard to stop playing, therefore it is good to frame an amount of time to focus on a goal and carry it out. The site itself operates with various timeouts on adopting critters (10 minutes for dinomon or 24 hours for monthly adoptables for example) - so this is for the learners to keep in mind and to adapt their strategy.

For English language learners it is possible to practice their English skills in the Chatbox or the forums. So aside from adopting let the students form an active community who is communicating on the site about their strategy.

For a more complex focus let students check around the site and have them evolve a strategy to achieve an agreed goal.

Skills and competences

Skills and competences acquired
- Foccusing on long term goals or short term goals keeping the operating mode of the site in mind (how to get bottlecaps, cooldowns...)
Soft skills
Problem solving, Creativity, Resilience, Time management, Team working


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018