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This Section provides access to an Online database of:
• The best educational Videogames and mobile apps available on the market
• The most suitable Videogames and Apps that, even if not specifically designed for educational purpose, can be used as teaching or learning tools with students

Videogames and apps are categorized, analyzed and assessed in order to provide the teachers with all the necessary information and hints to make full use of the Videogames and Apps in teaching contexts.

Partners' Institution
Kaunas University of Technology
Gintare Dzindzeletaite


Image source: AppAdvices
Product type
Educational App
Name of the videogame/app
Endless Learning Academy
Name of the producer
Originator Inc.
How to find it
To be Purchased
Main technical requirements
Native Virtual Reality Support
Adventure, Educational
Target Audience
1-5 years
Augmented Reality
PEGI Clasification

Use in Educational contexts

Degree of required tutoring
Autonomous use after teacher introduction/explanation
Subjects involved
Math, Natural Sciences, Geography, Languages, Physics, Literature
Educational Potential
Endless Learning Academy is a fun and comprehensive early learning app that teaches the alphabet, reading, vocabulary, phonics, spelling, numbers, math skills, Spanish, and more. The engaging app also features hundreds of progress-based lessons. These lessons include specific topics relating to social emotions, science, hobbies, telling time and so much more.
App is used with typically developing children as well as students who have speech and language delays and autism between the ages of 3 and 12.

Endless Alphabet introduces the Endless Monsters, a group of cute, curious creatures who illustrate the definition of the word displayed on the screen. In order to see the definition, your child has to assemble the word by dragging the squirming, chatty letters into the right order. It’s easy to do but rewarding: the video vignettes are funny and makes children cackle nearly every time they solve one of the 70-word puzzles.

It’s obvious that the company put a lot of effort into making the content both entertaining and educational.
Learning Object / Suggested activities with students
Endless Learning Academy covers different topics which could be used as ancillary tool for teaching children or visualizing theoretical subjects.
App could be used with typically developing children as well as students who have speech and language delays and autism between the ages of 3 and 12.

Skills and competences

Skills and competences acquired
200 lessons covering subject areas like social emotions and feelings (e.g. share, help, friends, curiosity), hobbies (e.g. biking, baking, dancing), direction & orientation (e.g. top, bottom, over, under), actions (e.g. throw, catch), time & duration (e.g. morning, evening, before, after) and dozens of other subjects.
In addition, the app covers key learning areas including letters, vocabulary, phonics, spelling, numbers, quantity, counting, and Spanish.
The delightful lessons reinforce core topics and concepts in a delightful and highly interactive way, and new lessons will be added regularly.
Delightful animations bring the lessons to life and reinforce meaning and understanding through example.
Designed with children in mind, there are no high scores, failures, limits or stress, so kids can interact with the app at their own pace.
Soft skills
Creativity, Self-confidence, Time management, Innovation


Partners' Institution
Hellenic Open University
Author of the comments
Tsakalidou Konstantina
Nicely animated, attracts children's attention. Definitions not so clear though. There should be more varied exercises for the kids to learn the particular vocabulary.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The V4T - Videogames 4 Teachers project © 2018